Operation Clean-Up: Food Additives


Great Blog! Very Informative and I Feel Someone may find this to be useful!

Counting Green Stars

OpClean1 Research has linked the brain to gut health and other imbalances in the body. And we know that the foods we—and more specifically, our autistic children—eat play a major role in cognitive function.

As we started phase one of our Operation Clean-up for Corban, I pulled Food Additives from his diet. I chose something that seemed manageable and obvious, and that might produce some noticeable results. I had no idea if any of this would make a difference, but it couldn’t hurt. These things were pulled from the whole family’s diet, so I could compare how Corban responded with how the rest of the “neuro-typical” family members responded.

Here was our Operation Clean-Up 101 (phase one): Food Additives

We eliminated all artificial food dyes, flavors, and sweeteners from Corban’s diet. Many children are sensitive to preservatives and artificial food coloring. Additives have been shown to trigger disordersHFCS like ADHD…

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